05 May 2012

Saturday, May 5, 2012 (with a little bit of May 4)

1. "I'd like to thank Eva for being born." - Daniel Beers, while eating part of Eva's birthday brownie
2. I bought a plant! I have never had a plant before that I haven't killed (mainly because I tend to forget that plants need water). But there's a first time for everything.
3. Organic macaroni and cheese is a glorious, gooey concoction. Never going back...until I run out of money again and have to buy the cheaper variety. Silly American food industry in which organic food is more expensive than non-organic food. (This is actually not that common in the world market.)
4. Why am I listening to Neon Hitch? Why? NOT GOOD, SELF, NOT GOOD.
5. "Who let you out of the poli sci suite?" - Andy

1 comment:

Tasha said...

I have to question whether the German market and the world market are the samething.