08 August 2011

input, please

Ever since a grad school I'm interested in decided to follow me on Twitter, I've become more conscious of the things I post on the Internet. (Google+ can take absolutely no credit for this, although it would like to, wouldn't you, Google+? P.S. I am not a fan of Google+.)

My point: I'm considering deleting all old posts on this blog before I head off to Berlin and turning it into a study abroad blog that I wouldn't be worried about my family reading. For personal stuff, I might get a Tumblr. I might not. At some point, I will outgrow the need to post angsty rants on the Internet. (But I'm probably not there yet.)



Krista said...

I know I would miss your angsty rants, but I also see the pragmatism of keeping angst off of a forum where anyone can see it.

But as a compulsive recorder who is terrified of forgetting, I would definitely urge you to at least save old blog posts in a word document if you delete them. Sometime, I feel sure, we will want to go back and revisit these markers of our growing up.

Tasha said...

Make a new blog. I like your angry rants. This coming from a person who has way too much shit on the internet and will never ever be employed.