24 August 2011

Dear Knoxians,

Because I am obsessed with planning, I'm laying out my winter term schedule, and I have run into a problem I've never encountered before: I really don't know what to take. I blame fall term; it stole all of the cool classes.

I will definitely be taking French 210. Rumor has it that a visiting professor from Flensburg will be, well, visiting in the winter and teaching a special topics course; if so, I will be taking it. In this situation, I only have to find one more course. The options are:

-Media and Society w/ Amor (which is undoubtedly interesting but not the most relevant thing in the world)
-Statistical Research Methods w/ JPow (would look killer on grad school applications, plus it's with JPow, but those are pretty much the only perks)
-Creative Nonfiction Workshop w/ Cyn (even less relevant than Media and Society, but I have a strange urge to take an upper-level workshop. Also, I love Cyn.)
-American Political Parties w/ Andy (I dislike the American party system, but I enjoy Andy and the course is actually in my field, unlike the other three.)

Every other course being offered in the winter falls into one of three categories: I've already taken it, I don't have the prerequisites for it (read: Con Law II), or I have no interest in it.


1 comment:

Sara said...

I recommend the Andy class, seeing as how I was in the same field and his classes were always worthwhile, whether you are really interested in the topic or just kind of passively interested.
I might be kind of biased, seeing as how I took as many classes with Andy as possibly after he actually made PS 306: Congress interesting and fun. I didn't think that was possible.